Saturday, July 16, 2011

Rule #1: Get off the train when Dr. Wasser and Nils do

The first week consisted of days that felt more like two squished together, there were new things thrown at me every time I turned around. Just when things would start to get familiar we up and moved again, just keeping it fresh =] But we got to do a lot of things, from our first language and cultural lessons where we learned all about the 'German way' to venturing out on excursions and actually getting to experience it. First off, Sebastian is definitely number one of all German teachers I've ever had. He had the perfect mixture of challenging and fun things for Elena and I to do and even threw in a lil Grey's Anatomy [check yes for brownie points!].
On the side of medically relevant things this week: I thought that learning about nephrology and the dialysis machine was really interesting, especially since we had someone like Dr. Roland Schmidt to talk with us about his first hand experience with patients from the E. coli outbreak earlier this summer. And who can forget visiting the research facility working with the Axolotyl? I'm pretty sure that we all have the same dream pet now. I loved how when the researcher was explaining the research she was doing, I saw techniques pop up that we learned about just two semesters ago. We also got to see her lab where the silk from spiders is being extracted to be used for sutures. Spider silk is ideal for this because it is incredibly strong, flexible, light and a biomaterial. I think it's pretty awesome how something obtained from another species has such incredible properties that would take a long time and a lot of resources to manufacture in a lab.
We also got to visit a rehabilitation facility in Nordernai, and I thought it was awesome how they used their natural surrounding to help rehabilitate people with lung problems and diabetes. I'm really buying into this whole 'all natural' theme theme that seems to be recurring throughout many of our expeditions, I've even considered giving up energy drinks [gasp].
Lastly, the Wattwanderung was legit. I have renamed the guide the German Bear Grylls. Or I guess Bär Grylls. It was long but really interesting, I felt like I was reliving my Biology II lab [except way more interesting] with all of the little organisms he kept referring to! All around a great week, we learned so much, I'm just happy I'm keeping a journal so that I can keep it all straight in my head.

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