Wednesday, February 24, 2010


It's been a little over a month since the end of the trip, and it took a little while to get back into the groove of being in school and the new sleeping schedule. I find myself a little nostalgic of the trip, but I really am glad to be back in the United States, back to a home and free water. I would definitely love to go back to Germany sometime soon, but I would much rather it be a situation where I could spend more time in one place and really get to know it.

I feel like I have learned so much from this trip, least of which is an appreciation for Europe, especially Germany. There were several situations in which I found myself wondering how I could have been so narrow-minded in the past regarding foreign views and concerns, but every time I learned more about the situations surrounding Germany and everything the country went through. The stereotype that often comes with Germany is truly sad, and in retrospect I can easily see that the whole thing is far from the truth. The entire trip, I was always met with hospitality, and never the hostility that others may expect.

Not only that, but the trip has inspired me to take so many more trips out of the country, the first of which, I hope, will be to Italy within the next year or so. I've already gotten the Rosetta stone for Italian and I plan on signing up for classes next semester to start learning as much as I can. Language is so beautiful and diverse that I would feel ignorant not to learn as many as possible. Already a bilingual, I feel the task would be a little easier, but I know that it won't be a cakewalk, and I cannot wait to get started.

The program has taught me so much about respect for other countries, for other cultures, for other languages, and especially for other people in general. I had a lot of fun and made so many memories. I'm really glad I went and I know that the whole thing will change my life forever.

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