Thursday, January 01, 2009

These boots were made for walkin!

I thought I was going to have to wait until I landed in Germany for this trip to really start but as I was sitting in the DFW airport Saturday night, Michelle and Brian popped out of no where and it turned out that we were all on the same flight. We ended up talking to this ridiculously chatty guy from the UK and lucky for us our flight was delayed for two hours so we pretty much heard all of his life story.... He followed us all the way to the terminal of our connecting flight in the Heathrow airport.

I really enjoyed our tour of Bonn and the awesome view of the Rhine river. It was alot of fun to wander around the shopping center and attempt to order food in my limited german. The german pizza I ate is still my favorite lunch so far.

When we went to Cologne and went inside the Catherdral I was at a loss for words. The detail in the stained glass windows was incredible, I just couldn't stop taking pictures.

The Homeopath lecture was very interesting and introduced me to a new perspective of medicine. I never realized how much botany was involved and how detailed the dilutions were for each remedy. I'm glad i was introduced to an up and coming style of medicine such as Homeopathy, especially since its more popular in Europe than the US.

Yay for the tour of Berlin tomorrow!

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