Saturday, January 10, 2009

Prague Late-Nights!

One week left and I can hardly believe how many connections I have made between current issues, the lectures we've had, and passages from "Blood and Guts".

One of my most interesting experiences thus far stemmed from a late night converstation at the hostel in Prague. It was there that I heard about a conversation that had taken place the night before discussing race and Austria's position during the Second World War (a young Austrian boy was involved in the discussion). Apparently someone made the comment along the lines of how the Austrians didn't get blammed for anything and the young Austrian proudly confirmed the comment. It should be told that just before this commnet, the boys were talking about their geneology, one being Italian and German, and the Austrian's response was that he was a "bastard". From these comments alone I got a very right wing, almost Nazi-like thinking.

Because of this conversation I heard about, I do not, by any means, think all Austrians are Nazis or a similar political party, but it does make the fact that some groups like the Nazis actually are people, like you and me, just with very different and twisted ideals, all the more real.

I hope my recreation of this converstation isn't misinterpreted because I am far from a good story teller, ask my friends but please, if you have any questions about more that was said or need clarification, comment or just ask me in person.

It is occurances and parallels like these that make this trip unique and valuable. This happens to be the anniversary year of Charles Dawin's "Theory of Evolution"and being in the land where "survival of the fittest"was abused to horrible and gross misinterpretation it is important to remember and understand the past so we can move on and excell in the future.


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