Monday, February 27, 2012

My German Love Affair

Miss you guys! :)

I've been dreading this blog for a while now. Not because I dislike the topic, but because it forces me to remember something so amazing and wonderful that has been and gone! If it wasn't made obvious by the previous blog posts, I enjoyed my time in Germany tremendously! Every single second and minute of my time there was enjoyed to the fullest, and I miss it so much. I definitely experienced a type of disappointment when I returned to the states. I wasn't one of those people, however, that spat at everything American once I came home, but I can confidently say I enjoy the European lifestyle much more. Even though I've been abroad before and have experienced the laid back yet active lifestyle of Europeans, I had never been so immersed in it until this trip. I think it partially had to do with the fact that I wasn't with my family and I also had more contact with the "natives" than I did before. I loved getting to know the other students on the trip, learning more about German culture, being immersed in the history of medicine, and being in gosh darn Europe! But while all those things were amazing, I think this trip impacted me most because of the change it caused in me.

With each passing day on the trip, I noticed my confidence and my sense of adventure growing. As a Biomedical Science major, it is SO easy to get wrapped up in the "right way" of doing things. Your path is determined for you the day you set foot in the classroom. Keep a high GPA. Shadow as many doctors as you can. Apply for professional school junior year. Graduate in four years. Go to professional school right after you graduate. All of these things are ingrained in your memory from the very first day. I'm not saying this is a bad thing because for many people, this works out very well for them. I feel like I was one of those people before I went on this study abroad. I didn't really allow myself to dream, I just followed the motions. I knew I had to take a year off from school (gasp) because I thought I wasn't graduating on time, when in actuality, I will be graduating in May. I was really nervous about my year off before I left for Germany, because I had NO idea what I was going to do. All of my friends in my major were already planning where they were going to live and how they were going to deal with the stress of medical school, dental school, etc. While I was twiddling my thumbs, freaking out inside because I was clueless as to what the future had in store for me. But one of the most valuable things I learned on this trip was that it doesn't matter how you get to where you want to be, it just matters that you get there. Eventually.

This trip has opened my eyes to a whole new world that I couldn't even fathom before. It seems so stupid to me that I was so worked up about taking a year off, when it is actually a blessing in disguise. I literally can do anything I want. Of course all I want to do is travel now because this study abroad definitely gave me the travel bug. I'm applying for internships in different cities in the U.S. and in cities in Europe as well. I'm anxious to get back to Europe and to actually get to live there for months at a time. It's so hard to explain how this trip had such an effect on me, but it definitely turned my life around. I'm more optimistic about my future more than ever, and I know eventually I will become a physical therapist if that's what I truly want to do. But for now, I think I'll enjoy living a more spontaneous life :)

This study abroad has truly been a life changing experience. I made life long friends, I learned more about a culture I knew nothing about, and have a completely new outlook on life. Now all of my friends are jealous of ME for having a year off! Something I never thought would happen. Every time someone asks me about my study abroad experience I can't help but smile and gush about all of the wonderful things I took from it. I am so thankful I was able to participate in this experience and will always be grateful for everything it has taught me.

Hopefully I'll be doing an internship in London in the fall (fingers crossed!) So expect a trip to Germany from me then! :)

Auf wiedersehen!

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