Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Culture Jolt

Having lived in Texas all my life, I had no idea what to expect coming to Germany and experiencing a new culture and lifestyle. I wouldn't say I experienced a culture shock but more like a small jolt.

A few observations....

1. Everything is green and flourishing here which is a huge contrast to the dry land back home. Most houses have gardens filled with flowers. You can also buy flowers just about anywhere off the street too.

2. All cars are small hatchbacks. Lots of smart cars, bmws, mercedes...basically all the really expensive cars from back home are what everyone drives here. Since the small cars are so small, they can even be parked on sidewalks! Try doing that with a jacked-up red neck truck from back home! All the streets especially near my host family's house are very winding with tons of turns unlike the parellel and perpendicular streets near my house in Texas.

3. Hearing German everywhere took some adjustment. I just have to get accustomed to not knowing what signs and people around me are saying. However, I am catching on to some words and the pronounciations of the language is becoming more clear.

4. Bakeries are everywhere with tons of delicious food! It's quite easy to just grab a sandwhich or a pastry just about anywhere in Bonn. I'm glad we are walking a lot or the pounds would start stacking on!

After living here about a week, Bonn and my host family feel more like home. My host family have a beautiful house and are very hospitable. Every morning breakfast is waiting for me and dinners are always a family affair. I'm thankful for them welcoming me into their home and helping me become adjusted to a new way of life.

Coming up...Week 1 Program Highlights!

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