Thursday, July 08, 2010

First week in Germany

When I first arrived here, I was tired, couldn't understand any of the signs or people. Then when I found the train station and couldn't find a seat and had to sit on the floor for about 2 hours, arrived in Bonn and ended up walking up around for about an hour trying to find an internet cafe to get a number or two and it was then I considered just hopping back on the next plane back to Lubbock. However, when I finally arrived at my host family's house things could not have gotten better, I got to watch the German football team whoop up on Argentina in an Irish pub, then watched the ensuing celebration on the streets for 4 hours after the game. I do also enjoy how my host family seems to have wine with every meal save breakfast also, but that's not the only reason I came to Germany.
I have also learned the importance of knowing directions, as we all saw on Monday when I arrived around 2 hours late. On a positive note I did get very acquainted with that certain section of Bonn. I knew that not learning German beforehand would make going to Germany hard, but I had no idea how much Spanish I know compared to German, though the classes with Fenja are making this an easy transition.
As everyone else had already said, the Cologne cathedral was a very cool site and though I am not Christian the amount of detail, and height on the cathedral was absolutely amazing and to consider that much of the church was built 800 years ago without cranes just puts me in awe. Though as cool as that was, the medical school tour was probably my favorite simply because I have seen many CT scans with my father in the ER, but to actually see a sliced human body in the same way was just really cool.
Well, I guess it's time to head to bed and get ready for Amsterdam tomorrow, let's hope that boring old town will be interesting.

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