Thursday, December 24, 2009


I'm so excited and nervous for this trip all at the same time. I have lived in Texas my whole life and haven't really traveled to many other places, so it is definitely going to be something new to me. One reason that I was really excited about this trip was because my Grandpa fought in World War II over in Germany, and told me countless stories growing up about his time over there. So, I was really looking forward to going over there and visiting places he went and being able to come back to the states to share it all with him. Well, sadly my grandpa passed away about three weeks ago, so now getting to visit Germany is something that is going to be very special for me. I am also looking forward to experiencing new languages, culture and the fascinating history surrounding every place we go. 
Getting packed up and making sure I have everything ready is a lot harder than I expected. I am a planner and do not do well with out set tasks and plans. Therefore for every free weekend I have mapped out the top ten places to visit how to get there and the stops on the different tubes. The tubes in Europe are so different then how transportation works in America, so I am interested to see how it all works out. 
I leave for London tomorrow with Joanna and Janelle. Can't wait to be over there :)

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