Friday, August 03, 2007

Hungover Hannover

This week was quite an interesting one, seeing the Vet school, clinics, and farm was quite an amazing experience. I really really enjoyed seeing the facilities, but i especially enjoyed meeting the students. Michael and all of those guys were so much fun to hangout with and talk to: It was also really cool that they came out and toured with us, even though one of them was a music major and had nothing to do with vet school at all. I thoroughly enjoyed learning about the surgery techniques as well even if it was for a bovine and not a humine. But what i enjoyed a bit more was the tour of Bayer´s facilities, and meeting the chemist. He was a very intelligent man and a great scientist. The Production facility was also a neat place to visit since we got to see the commercial level of production and the threats of contamination and how serious of an issue it was. Last night i went out to a German Birthday party with my family where we had German style pancakes which are nothing like American pancakes, it was a very interesting meal. Me and my host brother talked more about international affairs and politics and things. I still dont understand what gives the World the right to hate American politics for attempting to help desperate nations when this government doesnt nothing internationally. None the less we had a good convo about liberal and conservative economics, though i still dont believe that liberal economics actually accomplishes the principles that it is based on, but he was passionate about it so i listened and discussed with him things. It was good. Cheers!

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