Thursday, July 26, 2007

This week has really gone by fast! Monday we went to Bingen and I really enjoyed the interesting tour about the abbess there who wrote various important medical and theological papers. It seemed odd to me that everyone accepted these papers as fact and she was never ridiculed for what she wrote. Some of the things such as different metals and stones having different healing properties sounded preposterous! I guess I have a hind-sight bias however. Tuesday was really interesting in that we got to see all of nurenberg. I was a little disappointed in that we didn't get to go inside to the actual courtroom where the trials occurred, but it was interesting in that the rooms still functioned as useable courtrooms and had not been set aside. I really enjoyed the Nazi museum, because the films shown in the museum were quite moving, yet they were really informative. The picture in that museum that will stay in mind for a very long time is the picture of the Nazi officials who had been executed by hanging. There they were laying there, some of them still with the noose around their necks. I have always been verey interestewd by WW2 stuff, because I have always been amazed how cruel they were to other humans. Even if they were considered subhuman by them, which is ridiculous, how could they be that cruel to another living creature? It blows my mind. Note: this was written tuesday evening I just. Never got around to posting it.

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