I am here in Switzerland!!! well, actually in Interlaken. The best place to go to have fun with outdoor exteme sports!!!
we are here for 3 nights, but the first night was just sleeping, Because, we got in to Interlaken at around midnight. Yesterday, we went hiking on the Alps. It was a total of probably, hummm, 7-8 hours of walking and hiking..... oh my God... the view,, was just amazing.... really it was a breath taking EXPERIENCE.!!!!! I never thought that I would ever be in SwitzerLnad. Now Im here.... ma,n I still wonder if this is not a dream.
OK, now the third day, which is today.... ok us 4 out of 7 people, went Canyoning... one of the most extreme sports you can do here in Interlaken, actually, the guide told us that, there's only two places where you can do real Canyoning... that is of course, Switzerland, and than New-zealand. There were tree different types of courses, beginner's, intermediate, and advanced course. Well, we chose the advanced course, we are here in Switzerland, and I wanted to go for the extreme. Well, let me tell you this... it was worth all the money!!!! Our biggest jump off a cliff was over 10 meters, which is a little more than 30 feet.. think... hahaha
Well, in some places it was really crazy scaryyyyy, so high.. so so small place to jump in, have to be very accurate where you jump, our well,,,,, by the time I get down the cliff, munched meat.
Over all, it took our group which was about a size of 9 people, 3 hours to finish every things... we also had to take a hour and half to go up the mountain.
Haaaa, now, really really tired... time to have fun, I mean the night life, and than, tomorrow noon, head back to good all Dusseldorf!!!!
Oh, where's one picture of Canyoning. This can give you a scale of how big every thing is.
Well guys see all yall in dusseldorf!!!
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